Vendor Registration
Vendor Registration Process
In order to provide goods and/or services to the Summit County Land Bank, every vendor of goods and/or services will be required to complete and submit a Contractor Pre-Qualification Packet, Vendor Registration Form and other required documents.
Use the links on this page to access our Contractor Pre-Qualification Packet and Vendor Registration Form. Once you have submitted your Pre-Qualification Packet, Vendor Registration Form, and any other required documentation, you will be contacted by a member of our team.
For fast, easy, and secure payment, please sign-up for E-Payment by checking the box on the Vendor Registration Form!
Submission of a Contractor Pre-Qualification Packet and/or Vendor Registration form does not guarantee that the individual or entity submitting the information will be approved or hired to perform work or provide services.
Please submit all vendor registration forms to:
Patrick J. Horning
Manager of Budget & Finance
(330) 449-0625
Renata Hankins
Budget & Finance Specialist
(330) 449-0620